The Lone Tree on the Ridge

I was very sad to see that the iconic lone Tree on Greensand Ridge has all but been destroyed by some careless ditching work. The tree which was plainly visible from Cardington Village has for as long as I can remember, stood as a beautiful ragged beacon well loved by many of the locals. Below you will see some of my favourite images of the tree taken over the last 20 odd years. I hope what is left of the tree survives in some form or another. Hover over the pictures for titles etc:

One last image of what remains of the tree today!

The same tree at the end of February 2021 (Hopefully it will survive)

The same tree at the end of February 2021 (Hopefully it will survive)

A4 Print Sale and Free Draw

The half price A4 sale continues until the 10th of April (see previous blog) and I will be giving away a free A4 print in a draw on 11th April. If you want to be entered in the draw just be sure that you have subscribed to my blog by using the form below.

If you have any questions or comments please contact me by using the form below: