The Story Behind the Pictures

I have been away from this site for about a year. We have all had a lot to deal with for the last three months. I thought that now would be an ideal time to get things moving but it has not worked out that way. Despite seemingly being very busy I do not feel I have achieved much during this time. The one positive thing I have achieved has been going out around dawn to take the odd picture or two, so here is the story of some of them.

It all started on a frosty morning way back on 23rd March 2020 (seems like a lifetime ago). I decided it was time to get out and create some content. It was lockdown, it was just before dawn and I was on foot so there was no prospect of going very far. I headed for a local field and to an old favourite dead tree of mine. Here are my images from that day:

Winter Tree

The first tree I photographed has some dead branches at it’s crown so the only time to get a clean image is before leaf bud. The sun was below the horizon in a cloudless sky so time would be limited to get my shot.

Sony A7iii, ISO 50, F9, 1/40 seconds, F 9.00, 53 mm, Tamron Lens 28-75mm F2.8

The Survivor

Thus may seem an odd title for what is essentially a dead tree but it has survived in this condition for over 25 years and I have photographed it many times.

The sun had already broken the horizon and was shining very brightly, any picture with the sun in it would render the tree a silhouette. Now I like a good silhouette but there was too much interest in the bark to render it completely black. My solution was to hide the sun behind the considerable girth of the tree which enabled me to get the image I wanted.

Sony A7iii, ISO 50, F9.00, 1/100 seconds, F 9.00, 33mm, Tamron Lens 28-75mm F2.8

Waiting for Spring

The sun was now a huge yellow ball in a cloudless sky, it was casting beautiful side light on this lovely tree which was just coming into bud. It made a great subject for my last picture as I made my way home for a well deserved coffee and current bun!

Sony A7iii, ISO 50, F9.00, 1/13 second. F 9, 56 mm, Tamron Lens 28-75mm F2.8