The Church of St Margaret of Antioch

Before the lock down I had an idea to photograph the interior of some of Bedfordshire Churches. Needless to say I managed just one and I have been sitting on the pictures ever since in the hope of adding another church or two.

The Church of St Margaret of Antioch is a delightful ancient rural church situated in Knotting in northern Bedfordshire. The architecture suggests Saxon origin but it is certain to have existed in 1176 as it is mentioned in Church archives held by the the Bishop of Exeter. The registers date from 1592.

There are several excellent features that easily lend themselves to some Fine Art Photography.

Harmonium or Foot Pump Orga

Harmonium or Foot Pump Organ

I was first attracted to this church by an image I had seen of this fine Harmonium. It’s setting against the plain colour-washed walls suggested a bygone age. I was alone in the church for my entire stay and the atmosphere was very peaceful. The organ can be found in the South Transept.

The South Transept thought to have been built about 1280

The South Transept thought to have been built about 1280

The Chancel

The Chancel

There are spiked gates to the Chancel (not shown here) built in 1637 by order of Archbishop Laud to stop cock fighting which actually took place on Shrove Tuesdays in 1634, 1635, 1636. Even the Churchwardens and the Rector appear to have been present. - a pastime for which the rector of the day was defrocked.

The Nave

The Nave

The arch between the Nave and the Chancel is generally considered to date from circa 1140 and the chancel itself to have been rebuilt in the 14th Century.

The Pulpit

The Pulpit

The unusual pulpit and sounding board are thought to be 17th Century.

I hope to add to this occasional subject soon more information on this church can be found at:

Parish Information

The Church Conservation Trust

Great resources for additional reading

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