The Story Behind The Pictures (part 3)

A very early start on the 21st May and I was up on Greensand Ridge, overlooking Marston Vale with Cardington just below me and Bedford in the distance. It was 4:15 am and pre-sunrise but there was already some beautiful colour in the sky, this is a favourite time for me as when the sun rises it usually blasts the colour from the clouds.

Greensand Ridge Track

Greensand Ridge Track

A few yards along from my parking spot on Southill Road, heading north east the track passes through an archway of trees by the Old Warden Tunnel Local Nature Reserve. It is the first shot of the day and it is just before 4:30 am. The trees make a lovely frame of the brilliant pre-sunrise sky.

The Lone Tree

The Lone Tree

The Ridge Lone Tree which can be spotted from many places in Cardington Village as it sits majestically astride the summit of the hill. The cloud is spilling up from the vale illuminated by that gorgeous dawn light.

Looking North-east

Looking North-east

My Tree

My Tree

Well obviously not my personal tree but it is an image I have shot on numerous occasions. This is the tree I use for my logo and it was looking resplendent in this setting.



About 5 am and the sun is up bathing warm Summer light over the fields and hedgerows.

The Track

The Track

Finally on my way back to the car, from the same location as my first picture with just one hour between the two images. Already at only 5:30 am the light is getting too harsh and the sky is washed out, making photography difficult. Time to get home to look at the images on my PC and have some breakfast.

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